The Howes Family

the family is one of nature's masterpieces


This blog is completely done by our 18 year old daughter, Becca.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving with our friends who are visiting from Salt Lake. We had a nice dinner at their condo and then watched Fred Claus. It was a nice day. :]

Gardner was going crazy from excitement! He loves going to other people's houses. :]

Saturday, November 22, 2008


My dad and I had the opportunity to spend a few days in Ohio. My dad got to show me all the places he lived during his mission. It was very interesting to see where he went and to read his journal entries about his experiences. The day we got there, my dad and I ate at the exact Taco Bell where my dad used to read my mom's letters at. It was a great vacation for the both of us and it definitely strengthened our relationship! We had so much fun! We froze our butts off! The day we left, it was 25 degrees with a wind chill of 15! It was cold! Here are some pictures of the trip!

We also went to the Kelly Clarkson and Reba McEntire 2W2V Tour in Columbus. My dad had 11th row which I got from the Fan Club and I got front row on the right side, but they let me move more towards the center because it was empty! :] So I was like two feet from Reba and Kelly the whole time! It was seriously one of the most amazing experiences of my life! They are both so talented and their voices blend so well together! Kelly looked at me a lot because I had met her before the show so she knew who I was. She even sang part of Because Of You to me! I almost died :] Here are some pictures from the concert and a video of them singing Up To The Mountain by Patty Griffin.

Up To The Mountain:

I also got the opportunity to meet Kelly for my 3rd time before the show. She remembered me and said that she still has the Book of Mormon I gave her. She even remembered that I wrote inside of it! She must have a really good memory! For the first 30 seconds or so, she's talking to the girl in front of me and then she starts talking to me when she says "How are you?". Here is the audio of the meet and greet and the picture of us.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Vote McCain! :]
Here's a cute video of Gardner dancing to the remix "You Can Vote However You Like",

Monday, November 3, 2008

A day with Gardner...

I thought you guys might want to get to know Gardner a little bit better, so I video taped him when he was being the most like the "Gardner" we know and love. He usually walks around all day looking for things to get into and being his mischevious little self. However, lately he's been interested in books and learning about animals and sounds. So, I filmed him when he was in a state of innocent curiosity :] Maybe it's just that he's my little brother, but isn't he the cutest thing in the entire world...? I can't get enough of this kid. I love him so much, it literally hurts sometimes. But then again, how could you not love a little face like that? ;]

Saturday, November 1, 2008

This kid is amazing,

Happy Halloween!

We went to a ward trunk or treat and then the girls and Zach went trick or treating with some of their friends. Emma was a nerd, Zach was a "chim chim", Becca was a gothic spider widow, and Gardner was a pumpkin.

Here's a video of Gardner trick or treating,